Get to know

Some of the sections to provide you information.

Discussion Forum: Our very lively and ever popular bulletin board with many areas of seahorse keeping and conservation being discussed. Have a question, drop in here!

Chat: Join your friends on our NEW chat server for open-topic seahorse chat.

Calendar: Keep up with what's going on at, and WHEN its going on. Or request to schedule an event. We have both online events as well as trips and other real world events!

Featured System : We periodically spotlight a member's Seahorse system. See a working system, read about the equipment and animals, and ask questions.

A view of through time, from the origins as a Website Design company to the current day resource for seahorses and related species. This is something most members are not aware of - our history.

Seahorse fact: Seagrass beds, mangoves, and coral reefs are a natural habitat for seahorses
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