Album: External Gas Bubble Disease
Skin bubbles or cysts can be an indication of several different ailments and can appear as gas filled vesicles or appear solid or cystic in nature.
Date: 15-03-09
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 26 items
Views: 44027
Album: Pop Eye
Also known as exophthalmos or exophthalmia, is more a condition than it is a disease.
Date: 15-03-09
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 16 items
Views: 30377
Album: Pouch Emphysema
The causes of pouch emphysema are highly disputed within the seahorse hobby. More recent research, however, has traced a more likely cause to a biological process known as the hydration of CO2(g) to H2CO3(aq), carbonic acid.
Date: 07-06-03
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 9 items
Views: 25839
Album: Skinny/Underweight
Underweight seahorses have concave depressions of the body between the bony plates that constitute their exoskeleton
Date: 15-03-09
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 8 items
Views: 22304
Album: External Parasites
No description
Date: 07-06-03
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 1 item
Views: 15868
Album: Flesh Erosion Disease
A lesion is by definition an abnormal change in structure of an organ or part due to injury or disease. The lesions in this thread present themselves as ulcerations, discolorations and nodules.
Date: 15-03-09
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 19 items
Views: 36070
Album: Snout Rot
Snout rot is thought to be a secondary infection, caused by the bacteria Vibrio, which targets the snout of the seahorse.
Date: 15-03-09
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 14 items
Views: 26071
Album: Webbing
It is difficult to come up with an intro for this category because we are really unsure of what it is. Any horse that produces these symptoms we would love for you to contact Labdoc (Marty), our pathologist and consider a necropsy.
Date: 15-03-09
Owner: Terri Rennie
Size: 3 items
Views: 10612
Album: Cysts and Tumors
Lymphocystis is a chronic, usually non-fatal, viral disease caused by Iridovirus. Clinically, fish will present with white dots that are mainly observed on the fins and occasionally the gills.
Date: 15-03-09
Owner: Terri Rennie
Size: 5 items
Views: 12916