Doryrhamphus excisus
[i][b]Doryrhamphus excisus[/b][/i]
DOR-rear-HAM-fus eks-SIS-u
(Kaup 1856)
[b]The Blue-Stripe Pipefish[/b]
This small pipefish is a very shy animal that needs lots of room
to hide. Due to their snout size, they are consumers of smaller
crustaceans, and thus require an ample supply of amphipods and copepods,
making them great inhabitants of low-stress, peaceful, well-established
reef-type tanks. Topping out at approximately 4"-5", this
is a small and delicate fish. The Blue-Stripe Pipefish is
commonly available in most fish stores, and make beautiful tankmates
for seahorses.
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Date: 29-05-03
Owner: Gallery Administrator
Size: 4 items