The Library including downloads and  Multimedia Information

This is the main index for the articles, photos, videos and downloads on You will also find the F.A.Q. section quite interesting. New articles are being added all the time. Take advantage of the search function to search the library to find your item of interest..

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions. Yes, its been asked before. Find the answers you're looking for here.

Photo Gallery: Our ever-expanding comprehensive photos from the common to the rare. Included are seahorses and related Syngnathid species. If you have some good quality photos of your own that you wish to share, please send them to the for inclusion.

Articles: A growing compendium of articles from advanced seahorse aquarists around the world on a wide range of topics:

Video: A collection of seahorse videos.

Downloads: collection of downloadable media. We have screensavers, maintenance software, and seahorse wallpaper available for free!




Seahorse fact: Males will "show off" to other males.
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