way to culture gammarus is by using a 20 gallon tub
available at most stores. Place an undergravel plate
that covers the bottom reasonably well and use a power
filter in the lift tube. It's a good idea to cover the
undergravel plate with fibreglass screening to prevent
the gammarus from being sucked up into the tube. This
is also the reason for putting the suction tube from
the power filter in the lift tube. The gammarus do well
on floating pond pellets or flake food. Another option
is to use live plants or caulerpra (marine). This not
only provides a good hiding place for them, but gives
them something to eat. Some other options we haven't
experimented with yet are to cover the surface with
bio-balls (this would give them something to cling to)
or to use ceramic tiles with spacers. The thing to remember
is gammarus like to cling to things, so the more surface
area the better. The culture should do well with little
maintenance, as long as the young have places to hide.