What |
Optimum |
When |
Information |
Ammonia (NH3NH4+)
0.00 |
Daily |
Ammonia is the primary enemy of invertebrates &
fish, capable of causing death in very low concentrations.
Causes include: Immature filter, overfeeding, overstocking
& dead stock. |
Nitrite (N02) |
0.00 |
Daily |
Even trace levels of nitrite can destroy a well presented
invertebrate aquarium & cause fish much distress.
Nitrate (N03) |
below 15 ppm |
Weekly |
A good overall indicator of general water quality
& one that should be kept extremely low if invertebrates
are to thrive. Constantly high nitrate levels usually
reflect high fish stocking ratios. |
Salinity |
1.021 - 1.024 |
Daily |
Salinity measures the total amount of dissolved solids
in sea water. It is usually recorded as specific gravity
( S.G.) But can also be referred to as parts per thousand
(ppt). Constant evaporation of freshwater from the aquarium
causes the salts to become more concentrated & the
salinity to rise. To maintain stability regular addition
of freshwater is needed. |
pH |
8.1 - 8.3 |
initially daily,
then weekly |
pH is a measure of the alkalinity or acidity of aquarium
water. Some natural changes are to be expected during
the day. Aquarium water could drop to as low as 7.9
at the end of the night, & peak at around 8.4 just
before lights out. These natural pH cycles are gradual
& tend not to stress livestock. |
(PO4) |
0.00 |
Monthly |
Invertebrates do not prosper when levels of phosphate
get high. Phosphates arrive in the aquarium through
unfiltered water, poor quality carbon & marine salts,
but mostly through fish waste products. Nuisance algae
will thrive where phosphate levels are high. High-quality
water changes or phosphate removing resins can help
alleviate the problem. |
Dissolved Oxygen
(02) |
6 - 7 ppm |
Monthly, or
on demand |
Both fish & invertebrates benefit from high levels
of dissolved oxygen. Good water circulation is the key,
as oxygen is drawn mainly from air & water. Dissolved
oxygen also affects pH. |
Copper |
0 |
then on demand |
Copper-based medications have proved very reliable
in the treatment of various fish diseases. It is highly
toxic to invertebrates & should never be used in
aquarium housing these animals. Copper adversely affects
seahorses. Copper can be introduced to the marine aquarium
by way of domestic water & this should be tested
from time to time. |
Calcium |
350 - 400 ppm |
Monthly |
Calcium is a vital element in the marine aquarium.
A host of invertebrates draw it from the surrounding
water and calcium reserves need to be replenished on
a regular basis. Regular water changes usually achieve
this. A reef tank may require the addition of biologically
available calcium to keep levels optimum. |
Carbonate Hardness
(KH) |
7dKH |
Monthly |
KH is a measurement of various carbonates & bicarbonates
of calcium & magnesium, & borates in sea water.
A stable KH will prevent rapid declines in alkalinity
& subsequent drops in pH. Boosting the KH of aquarium
sea water to between 12 - 18dKH using a proprietary
generator has been recommended. However, left to their
own devices, most aquariums settle naturally to around
7dKH & there appears to be no advantage in constantly
increasing dKH to unnatural levels. |